30 May 2019

Tenants and landlords are being asked to give their opinions on how a licensing system for rented accommodation should be implemented.
Since the Public Health and Safety (Rented Dwellings) Law was approved by the States Assembly in October 2018, a scheme has been developed to enable minimum standards to be enforced through the licensing of rented properties.
A voluntary scheme, Rent Safe, is currently used to encourage landlords to meet the minimum standards. The proposed licensing scheme would be mandatory for all rental properties and would mean that, for the first time, the Government of Jersey would know the location of private rented dwellings in the island. This information would enable better targeted inspections to ensure properties meet minimum standards and were well managed.
Director of Environmental Health, Stewart Petrie, said: “The purpose of the consultation is to get public feedback on the proposals for introducing this licensing scheme. It will help ensure minimum standards for the quality of housing provision continue to be met in the private rental market. We welcome all feedback whether from a landlord, tenant, managing agent or interested member of the public.”
Public meetings will be held at St Helier Parish Hall on Tuesday 11 June from 9.30am to 11am and 5.30pm to 7pm. Anyone wishing to attend can register on Eventbrite.
The consultation, which can be accessed on the Consultation Page and closes on Friday 28 June.