14 May 2019

​Leaflets are being distributed in the island’s eastern parishes this week to advise residents of major resurfacing works on La Grande Route de Saint Martin, and to invite them to a public drop-in briefing.
Disruption will start from Monday 20 May, beginning with exploratory excavation work at Five Oaks. This work is being carried out so that a foul sewer manhole, which is in the middle of the roundabout, can be urgently repaired. The manhole is more than 85 years old, and will require full reconstruction before the roundabout can be resurfaced. Resurfacing will then continue in phases towards St Martin’s Village, which is expected to last until the end of summer.
Members of the engineering team will be available in Morrisons car park at Five Oaks on Thursday 23 May to speak to motorists about the project. This will give the public a chance to hear about how the roadworks will be carried out, and to learn about how the project will affect traffic. Anyone wishing to speak to the engineering team can visit Morrisons on that day between 9am and noon, or between 5.30pm and 8.30pm.
Highway Maintenance Manager, Rob Cabot, said: “This project is really important to keep the road safe and well-maintained. We’re aware that the works will cause some disruption for motorists, and we apologise for that, but we will be doing the works in phases to minimise the disruption as much as we can.
“We’ve also worked closely with other Government departments to identify further issues that we can rectify during the project. Our colleagues have made us aware of a number of drainage issues in the area, so as well as resurfacing the road, we are going to address these problems as part of the project. This is an excellent example of Government departments working together, and means that local residents won’t face further disruption from the drainage issues being addressed at a later stage.”
Islanders will be able to access updates about the work’s progress by visiting gov.je/roadworks, or by following the Government’s social media pages.