03 May 2019

The Independent Chair of the Safeguarding Partnership Board (SPB) has published the Board’s Annual Report for 2018. Glenys Johnston OBE highlights the year’s awareness-raising of children’s safeguarding, two independent reviews of adult safeguarding, and the launch earlier this week of a Domestic Abuse Strategy for 2019-2022.
The Board’s priorities for 2018 were to update procedures for Serious Case Reviews, to develop performance frameworks for children and adults, to deliver a strategy for Child Sexual Abuse and to develop a strategy for Adults Safeguarding.
The Board also aimed to embed new legislation, review the implementation of Care Inquiry recommendations, deliver specialist training and update procedures for safeguarding both children and adults.
Glenys Johnston said: “We had a very busy year, some of the highlights of which have been our raising of awareness of children’s safeguarding through the PANTS campaign, in conjunction with the NSPCC. And we conducted two independent reviews of the effectiveness of adult safeguarding, which have produced an improvement plan we that will implement.
“In 2018 we also established frameworks for children and adult safeguarding, we launched a Domestic Abuse Strategy which aims to keep islanders safe through prevention, protection and provision, and we have delivered training for the new capacity and self-determination law, GDPR and the Sexual Offences law.
“This is my last annual report as Independent Chair, and I have been pleased to experience the support the SPB continues to receive. Some long-standing members have left, but have been replaced by energetic and committed new people, who I know will support my successor. I wish all the members of the Board continued success as they strive to make Jersey a safe place to live for people of all ages and from all backgrounds.”
The Board’s priorities for 2019 include: implementing the new performance frameworks for adults and children, delivering a Child Sexual Abuse Strategy, developing an Adult Safeguarding Strategy, improving communication and raising awareness among public and professionals of safeguarding issues, updating procedures and completing three case audit reviews for children and two for adults.
Safeguarding Partnership Board's Annual Report 2018