04 February 2019

To mark Safer Internet Day (Tuesday 5 February), Prison! Me! No Way!!! Jersey will deliver age appropriate and tailored lessons to every Jersey secondary school, in partnership with the States of Jersey Police. The lessons will aim to promote safer and more responsible use of online technology and mobile phones amongst young children and young people.
The theme for Safer Internet Day is ‘Together for a better internet' and the day covers all kinds of topics, from cyberbullying to social networking. The aim of the day is to promote the safe and positive use of digital technology, and to raise awareness of emerging online issues and topics reflecting current concerns. The campaign hopes to empower children, young people, parents and carers, educators and social care workers to get the most out of what the internet offers and to develop digital skills and confidence.
As part of the campaign, Prison! Me! No Way!!! Jersey and the States of Jersey Police continue to work in partnership with HSBC Channel Islands and Isle of Man. The bank sponsors the Get Safe Online programme, which helps to protect the island community from online crime and fraud.
Lesley Harrison, Chairman of Prison! Me! No Way!!! Jersey said: “Today’s children are growing up online, and make little distinction between life online and off. Their use of online games, apps and services play a crucial role in the development of their identities, friendships, relationships, passions and aspirations.
“It is essential that we respond to this by offering them high quality online safety education that will enable them to make positive choices that will help keep them safe, and also enable them to recognise the consequences and relevant laws.”
Chief Inspector Chris Beechey, States of Jersey Police, said: “We want young people to explore how the internet works, and through the partnership create awareness and provide education on who owns the information that is shared on it, and how they can actively take ownership of digital spaces. We want to empower young people to take control of their online lives and to feel that they can harness and use the positive power of the internet for good.”
Chris Langford, HSBC Head of Retail Banking and Wealth Management in Jersey said: “People and businesses around the world are falling victim to fraud abuse and other crimes either initiated or propagated online every single day of the year. This is absolutely as much the case in the Channel Islands as anywhere else and nobody, whatever their background, education, age group or location, is immune from this threat. By working with our key partners, HSBC can bring the latest thinking to customers and the community in ways that are easy to digest and follow and every month we’ll be posting new Get Safe Online tips and advice about how to stay safe when using the internet.”