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Government of

Information and public services for the Island of Jersey

L'înformâtion et les sèrvices publyis pouor I'Île dé Jèrri

NASUWT industrial action

22 March 2019

Government of Jersey

Details about how pupils will be affected during the proposed NASUWT industrial action scheduled to take place on Tuesday 26 March have been released.

All schools are in scope of this planned strike action. Headteachers have now reviewed their plans and reported on whether or not they can safely open their schools.

In brief, two primary schools are able to open to children: La Moye School and St John’s School. These schools have very few NASUWT members, and school management will be able to cover absences. The NASUWT has given an exemption for schools with scheduled examinations, so relevant secondary schools will be open to their students sitting exams. In addition, several secondary schools are open for revision study to certain year groups (Years 11, 12 and 13).

All schools which are closed to pupils will remain open as workplaces for teaching staff who choose not to take action, and for staff from other pay groups who are outside the scope of this industrial action.

Schools have written to parents and carers to inform them of their plans for next week.

Primary ​School​Open/Closed
​First Tower​Closed
​Rouge Bouillon​Closed
​Grands Vaux​Closed
​Plat Douet​Closed
​St Luke​Closed
​St Clement​Closed
​Bel Royal​Closed
​St Lawrence​Closed
​La Moye​Open
​Mont Nicolle​Closed
​Les Landes​Closed
​St John​Open
​St Martin​Closed
​St Mary​Closed
​St Peter​Closed
​St Saviour​Closed
​Jersey College Preparatory School​Closed
​Victoria College Preparatory​Closed
​Mont à l'Abbé School​Closed
​Secondary School​Open/Closed​Any provision to be delivered
​Haute Vallée​Closed​
​​Le Rocquier​Closed​
​​​Les Quennevais​Partially open​Closed to Years 7, 8, 9 and Year 10 pupils on Project Trident. Open to Year 11 in the morning only
​Jersey College for Girls​Closed​No classes for all year groups. Open to pupils in Years 11, 12 and 13 to use facilities for revision and private study only
​Victoria College​Closed​
​Highlands College​Closed​Planned classes and workshops for students aged between 16 and 19 year and day release students are cancelled. Nightingale, Camden, Turner, the Highlands Professional Centre and the University Centre on the Highlands Campus will be open for students to come and study. Professional Courses will carry on as normal. Trinity site will be open. Adult and Community classes be held as normal as will evening classes in Turner and the University Centre
​La Sente​Partially open​​Open to KS4 pupils. Closed to KS2 and KS3 pupils
Mont à l'Abbée School

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