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Information and public services for the Island of Jersey

L'înformâtion et les sèrvices publyis pouor I'Île dé Jèrri

Secondary school transfer

28 January 2019

​Parents of children who are in their final year at a States’ primary school are being sent a letter this week to confirm their child has a place at their catchment secondary school.

This is the first year in which parents will not need to send acceptance letters back to the Department for Children, Young People, Education and Skills. Instead, a child will automatically be allocated a place at their catchment school – Grainville, Haute VallĂ©e, Le Rocquier or Les Quennevais – and parents only need to do something if they do not want to accept that place. 

If parents want to request a place at a different States’ secondary school, they need to complete the online out-of-catchment request form on, the deadline for which is Monday 11 February. Requests for out-of-catchment places are considered by the Department, and parents will be informed of decisions towards the end of February. If necessary, there is an appeals process. Appeal hearings will be held at the end of March.

If children are currently in a fee-paying primary school, parents will not routinely be offered a place in one of the States’ secondary schools. If they wish their child to go to Grainville, Haute Vallée, Le Rocquier or Les Quennevais, they need to complete the online school admission form on

Additionally, to avoid duplication, parents will not be offered a place at a States’ secondary school if they have accepted a place in a fee-paying secondary school. If parents have been offered a place at a States’ secondary school but have also accepted a place in the fee-paying sector, they must inform the Department for Children, Young People, Education and Skills. 

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