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Government of

Information and public services for the Island of Jersey

L'înformâtion et les sèrvices publyis pouor I'Île dé Jèrri

Seatbelt law takes effect

01 February 2019

Driver wearing seatbelt

ā€‹From today (Friday 1 February), seatbelts must be worn by drivers and passengers in medium and large goods vehicles.

The law has been extended to cover two new vehicle categories, bringing Jersey into line with the UK and other jurisdictions. It means that seatbelts must now be worn in goods vehicles including flat-bed, box and articulated lorries, large vans, and large horse boxes.

Anyone found to be not wearing a seatbelt while driving or sitting in the new categories will be asked to attend a Parish Hall Enquiry and could be prosecuted and fined up to Ā£200.

The current legal exemptions have not changed, including those undertaking deliveries and drivers of taxi cabs. The changes also do not apply to passenger-carrying buses and coaches.

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