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Senior diplomat addresses Jersey events

10 July 2019

tom fletcher

A senior British diplomat who worked as foreign policy adviser to three UK Prime Ministers, and served as British Ambassador to the Lebanon, is visiting Jersey as the keynote speaker in a series of events on leadership, skills, international diplomacy and technology. 

Tom Fletcher CMG is currently a Visiting Professor at New York University and an Advisor to the Global Business Coalition for Education and the Emirates Diplomatic Academy. He also chairs the International Advisory Council of the Creative Industries Federation, is an Honorary Fellow of Oxford University, and is the author of a best-selling book on modern diplomacy. In 2018 he co-founded The Foundation for Opportunity, which exists to ā€œhelp good people do good things in public lifeā€.

Mr Fletcher will give the keynote address at the inaugural Jersey Annual Skills and Employment Conference ā€˜Future Skills ā€“ Vibrant Economy ā€“ Happy Lifeā€™. He will also be meeting ministers, giving a breakfast briefing to Jersey Financeā€™s CEO Connect group of business representatives, and speaking at a leadership event for senior government managers.

Mr Fletcher recently led a review on what skills the next generation need to thrive in the 21st century. At this weekā€™s Skills and Employment Conference he will be leading discussions on the future shortage of a skilled workforce, the digital skills gap, social mobility, routes for career progression and lifelong learning.

He will also be addressing governmentā€™s senior leaders on global leadership, styles of leadership, global trends, handling disruption, and surviving the 21st century. ā€‹

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