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Government of

Information and public services for the Island of Jersey

L'înformâtion et les sèrvices publyis pouor I'Île dé Jèrri

Update from civil service strike action

27 August 2019

​On Friday, 23 August and Tuesday, 27 August a number of civil service employees took part in industrial action called by the Prospect and Unite unions.

The total number of employees recorded as absent due to taking part in strike action on Friday was 222, about 7% of the 3,000 civil service staff. The total number of employees recorded as absent today is expected to be around 220, although the final figures will not be verified until tomorrow.

There has been very limited impact on services as a result of the strike action:

Customs and Immigration

 â€śFerry and flight services ran as normal on Friday, 23 August with no disruption to timetables due to industrial action. The Condor Rapide from St Malo arrived on schedule this morning without any delays.

“Jersey Customs and Immigration Service are working with the Ports of Jersey and ferry/airline operators to minimise any disruption and are continually reviewing plans to ensure that Jersey’s borders remain both open and secure. 

“Passengers arriving from mainland Europe may experience minor delays.”

Customer and Local Services

“Customer and Local Services remains open although some services have had limited cover. On Friday 23 August, queue times were not affected by strike action but it is possible that some customers will experience longer than usual waiting times this afternoon and that requests may be submitted but not processed during visits to the department.

“We recommend that customers should avoid visiting or calling the department today for non-urgent matters.”

Health and Community Services

“There has been minimal disruption in clinical support services and outpatients due to the industrial action.

“The hospital rescheduled some appointments that fell on Friday 23 August, to earlier during that week. Where an earlier appointment was not available, patients have been prioritised by the clinician, and those considered urgent moved to a different day this week or early next week.”

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