11 November 2019

Two financial intelligence analysts from the Government of Kenya’s Financial Reporting Centre (FRC) will be visiting Jersey this week to spend time with Jersey’s Joint Financial Crime Unit (JFCU), as part of the Government of Jersey’s commitment to help Kenya tackle financial crime and corruption.
The Kenyan analysts will learn about some of the procedures used by Jersey’s JFCU to help the Kenyan authorities to develop their capability in this area.
After a welcome and introduction by the Government of Jersey, the analysts will meet their counterparts at Jersey’s Financial Intelligence Unit to learn about intelligence processing, the role of the analyst and working with partners.
They will also work on case studies and meet an anti-money laundering officer from a local company. The analysts will then meet experts from the Law Officers’ Department, and regulation and enforcement professionals from Jersey Financial Services Commission (JFSC).
The visit is supported by the UK’s National Crime Agency (NCA) as part of their ongoing work with Kenyan anti-corruption agencies. Dale Barnett, Regional Manager for the NCA at the British High Commission in Nairobi said: “As a leading international finance centre Jersey offers a unique perspective on developing legislation, regulation and operations to tackle financial crime. This visit is an excellent example of the way we can collaborate with Kenya and Jersey to protect security and promote the economy.”
In anticipation of the visit, Detective Chief Inspector Mark Coxshall said: “Tackling financial crime is a transnational challenge that requires collaboration with partners from all over the world. We therefore welcome the opportunity to share our own experience and best practice with our Kenyan counterparts so that they can further develop their capabilities in this field.”
‘Capacity building for tackling financial crime’ is a key commitment set out in the bilateral Memorandum of Understanding between the Government of the Republic of Kenya and the Government of Jersey on Financial Cooperation, signed by the Minister for External Relations in December 2018.