03 October 2019

St Helier businesses are being encouraged to take to the streets of town next week to congratulate this year’s cohort of University College Jersey students who are graduating.
At around 5pm on Thursday, 10 October, more than 300 people will represent the 107 graduates by marching across town to the tune of uplifting street heat music performed by Word on the Street. The parade will commence at the Jersey Opera House and finish at the Grand Jersey Hotel and Spa for an informal reception.
Students will graduate from a host of degree courses including business and finance, construction management and childhood studies.
The Minister for Education, Senator Tracey Vallois, said: “University College Jersey is an education centre we are proud of: every year students study a range of courses, many of which are tailored to fill the skills gap in the island. UCJ is helping us grow our own talent for the future and, with more and more courses being added to the prospectus, ensure that local people have the opportunity to study in Jersey for a qualification they can use here.
“I would like to encourage anyone in town next Thursday to join the parade and show your support for those who are graduating. In the meantime, I would like to congratulate the students and wish them the very best for the future.”
The ceremony is supported by MasonBreese, a project management firm that not only sponsors the degree courses but has also gone on to employ graduates of UCJ. ​