25 January 2019

A working group of representatives from the voluntary and community sector (VCS) and the States of Jersey have drafted an action plan following a workshop last September.
The workshop, ‘Building a Foundation’ attracted more than 80 representatives from the third sector and identified five priorities to improve the effectiveness of the ongoing relationship with the States of Jersey. The five key issues were
- communication
- information sharing
- co-ordination
- decision making
- funding.
Since the initial workshop in September, the VCS working group has met regularly to discuss actions required to address the five issues. The group includes representatives from
- the Association of Jersey Charities
- the Jersey Employment Trust
- the Rotary Club of Jersey
- Jersey Hospice Care
- Brighter Futures
- Family Nursing and Home Care
- Jersey Disability Partnership
- Jersey Sport
- Durrell
- Jersey Community Partnership.
A draft Action Plan has been produced and has been circulated to those who attended the workshop as well as other members of the voluntary and community sector for their views and comments. These views will be considered at the next meeting of the working group in early February. The plan will then be finalised and the working group will oversee the effective delivery of the agreed actions.
Emelita Robbins, Chief Executive of Jersey Hospice Care said: “This work was borne out of a desire to ensure that strong, effective partnerships are at the heart of all relationships between government and Jersey’s voluntary and community organisations. We hope it will help develop a forum for the sector, where we can hold constructive discussions on cross-organisation issues of strategic importance, and improve standardised commissioning practices. We believe it could lead to greater co-ordination of local organisations, more unified responses, joined-up services and less fragmented fundraising. We hope to empower all of those involved and achieve greater recognition for the tremendous value and social impact the sector provides.”
Ruth Brunton at Brighter Futures said: “The workshop in September 2018 was the first step towards a different working relationship between the States of Jersey and the voluntary and community sector (VCS). This draft action plan demonstrates the commitment from both sectors to work together more collaboratively for the benefit of islanders, recognising what we have in common and how we are different. The appointment of the Director of Local Services, Sean McGonigle, as our single point of contact is a significant step to simplifying and co-ordinating the work going forward.”
Sean McGonigle, Director of Local Services for the States of Jersey, added: “Feedback from those who attended the workshop, and those who were unable to attend, will be taken into account when the VSC working group finalises the action plan and agrees timescales and responsibilities for delivering specific actions. The working group representatives will continue to oversee progress on the implementation of the action plan and will ensure progress updated are circulated widely across third sector members in the future.”