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Minister attends World Economic Forum on Africa

03 September 2019

World Economic Forum

Jersey’s External Relations Minister will represent the island at the 28th World Economic Forum (WEF) on Africa this week.  Senator Ian Gorst will join more than 1,000 regional and global leaders from politics, business, civil society and academia to consider how innovation, cooperation, growth and stability can help drive a sustainable future for Africa.

This is Jersey’s third consecutive invitation to participate in the Forum, which is an indication of WEF’s growing confidence in Jersey as a valued partner to Africa. This year’s meeting will take place in Cape Town, South Africa, and its theme is ‘Shaping inclusive growth and shared futures in the Fourth Industrial Revolution’.

The 3-day programme will include presentations and seminars on creating an enabling environment for inclusive sustainable development in Africa – including discussion on how to improve access to the skills and capital that are vital to industrialisation, while also tackling environmental challenges.

Senator Gorst said: “I am delighted to be attending this event. Jersey has developed positive relationships with several countries in Africa and is working hard to support their investment needs and long-term development.

“We participate in the WEF Partnering Against Corruption Initiative (PACI) and we are also helping to direct much-needed investment into sub-Saharan Africa, expanding our treaty network to facilitate these business flows.

“Jersey’s financial services institutions deliver up to 1.5% of all Foreign Direct Investment into Africa and I believe Jersey can play a bigger role in helping to direct much-needed investment into sub-Saharan Africa.”

Senator Gorst will be speaking at two plenary sessions on Tackling Financial Crime, and European and African Integration, which will highlight the importance of partnership focused on building peace and advancing development. Participants will discuss how they can work together to promote a stable, responsible and inclusive business environment, advance a solid institutional framework, and create lasting partnerships for technology exchange.

Senator Gorst will be holding private meetings with ministers and industry leaders from several African countries. He added: “The Forum is an important opportunity to build on our existing relationships. It will also allow us to enhance the Island’s reputation internationally, and to develop links with other countries.”

The Forum takes place in Cape Town from 4-6 September.


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