01 April 2019

​Survey responses to proposals outlined in a new draft Wildlife Law have received strong support from participants in the consultation.
Growth, Housing and Environment have published the survey results and feedback which was collated after a two month consultation last year. A total of 68 responses were received from organisations, charitable bodies and individuals who use, work with, or take an interest in, Jersey’s wildlife.
As well as answering questions on seven key areas of the draft Law, islanders were given the opportunity to make general comments or suggestions. Most responses showed support for the new Law, which would ensure Jersey meets international standards for protecting wildlife.
The Minister for the Environment, Deputy John Young, said: “The number of responses to the consultation demonstrates how passionate islanders are about our environment. This new Wildlife Law will help us to protect our rich biodiversity into the future.”
Assistant Environment Minister, Deputy Gregory Guida said: “We would like to take this opportunity to thank those who took the time to participate in this consultation. The positive engagement we have received will ensure that the Law provides a sound but proportionate platform for effective protection of our wildlife.”
The consultation and survey feedback will be incorporated into a final draft of the Law with a view to lodging with the States Assembly later this year. The new legislation, if passed, would replace the Conservation of Wildlife (Jersey) Law 2000.
The responses and report on the survey are available online.