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Information and public services for the Island of Jersey

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Celebrating children of foster carers

07 October 2019

ā€‹The sons and daughters of foster parents in Jersey are being invited to take part in a national awareness campaign this month.

Each October, the Fostering Network encourages fostering services, across the UK, to run events and activities to recognise, thank and reward children and young people for the important role they play in welcoming fostered children into their families.

The Fostering and Adoption team in Children, Young People, Education and Skills are encouraging foster carers to nominate their son(s) or daughter(s) for their particular contributions to fostering.

Emmy Lindsey, manager of Fostering and Adoption, said: ā€œSons and daughters month is an annual campaign to celebrate the vital contribution that the children of foster carers make to foster care. We have already had one entry, which has touched the hearts of everyone in Childrenā€™s Services. The ā€˜Foster Soupā€™ poem is inspiring and the story behind it is also as powerful.ā€

The girl who submitted the entry was asked if she had any worries about fostering. She said: ā€œI do actually. Iā€™m worried we donā€™t have enough chairs for the table.ā€

Mrs Lindsey added: ā€œThis child was only concerned that they wouldnā€™t have enough chairs for the foster children to sit down. It was really sweet as she didnā€™t have concerns about fostering ā€“ she just wanted to make sure they all had somewhere to sit. This child has shown lots of love and affection towards all the foster children who have stayed in her home and has been instrumental to the children settling into their foster home.ā€

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