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Chief Minister promotes Jersey in Westminster

13 February 2019

The Chief Minister, Senator John Le FondrĂ© has met with UK Parliamentarians in London in order to outline Jersey’s priorities in relation to Brexit and support the Island’s strong ongoing relationship with the UK.

The Chief Minister attended his second meeting of the All-Party Parliamentary Group for the Channel Islands, which brings together MPs and Lords who take an interest in the Islands and related policy issues.

Discussions surrounded the Channel Islands’ preparations for a ‘no-deal’ Brexit in tandem with UK Government and also gave Island representatives the opportunity to update Members on domestic developments since the last Group meeting in October.

The Chief Minister also took the opportunity to speak to George Eustice MP, Minister of State for Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, and Neil Parish MP, Chair of the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Select Committee regarding the priorities for the Jersey fishing industry.

Senator Le FondrĂ© said: “It is vitally important that the Channel Islands continue to engage with UK politicians to make sure that our voices are being heard and that we can meaningfully contribute to policy decisions taken in Westminster. In particular, those in relation to Brexit that will affect our Islands. From Jersey’s perspective, I am clear that we have a positive message to put across to Parliamentarians about our unique Island, our diverse economy and skilled workforce, and our rich culture and history, which are so closely intertwined with the UK.

“The All-Party Parliamentary Group brings together supporters of the Channel Islands, but also those Parliamentarians who can assist us with any issues that may arise. Along with my colleagues from Guernsey, Alderney and Sark, I was glad to have the opportunity to speak with Fisheries Minister George Eustice in particular and gain his assurance that the unique position of the Channel Islands will continue to be addressed by the UK in its Brexit discussions and more widely. The Minister for External Relations and I will continue to meet with colleagues in Westminster to ensure that this positive dialogue continues.”

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