01 May 2019

Islanders are being encouraged to put forward environmental projects that may qualify for a grant to help conserve Jersey’s countryside.
The Countryside Enhancement Scheme supports projects that conserve the natural environment on a local, island-wide or international basis. Applicants have until Thursday, 23 May to submit their applications.
Scott Meadows, Acting Director for Rural Economy and Head of Plant Health said: “Projects that focus on invasive species control, pollinator protection or environmental education and interpretation will be given priority in 2019, although all projects will be considered.
“Applicants will need to complete an application form highlighting the project option, clearly describing the objectives of the project, its extent, duration, when and how the work will be undertaken.”
Since its introduction in 2006, the scheme has supported a wide range of projects which have benefited Island wildlife, the environment and rural businesses.
Former projects included:
• Japanese Knotweed Control – Provision of materials and equipment for control of this invasive plant.
• Wetland Management and Pond Creation – Maintenance and further creation of this valuable habitat.
• Seagrass Nutrient Analysis - The Societe Jersiaise conducted isotope analysis of seagrass beds across the Channel Islands which are extremely important habitat for many species.
• Planting of Bird and Pollinator Seed Mixes – the funding of seed mixes rich in pollen, nectar and seed to act as food sources for invertebrates and wild birds.
Deputy Gregory Guida, Assistant Minister for the Environment said: “This scheme was created to help maintain and conserve the island’s unique and internationally significant rural character, landscape, habitats, flora and fauna. It supports the government’s strategic environmental aims and helps us deliver our commitment to multinational environmental agreements.”