15 February 2019

A twelve week consultation which asks islanders for their views on divorce reform, the future of civil partnerships and age of marriage is closing on the 22nd February. Islanders are asked to complete the online survey before the closing date to ensure their views form part of the consultation.
The consultation covers three topics:
1. Divorce reform: In September 2015, the States Assembly agreed in principle that new divorce legislation should be introduced to replace the existing 70-year-old laws.
Views are being sought on
• Removing the three year bar on divorce - at the moment you have to be married for three years before filing for divorce
• Moving to ‘no fault divorce’ – where you can file for divorce without having to prove that your husband or wife was at fault
• Introducing joint filing for divorce
• Potentially making it a legal requirement to access mediation services
2. Future of civil partnerships: In June 2018 the UK Supreme Court ruled that it is discriminatory to only allow same-sex couples to enter into a civil partnership.
Views are being sought on should:
• Civil partnerships be extended to opposite sex couples , in addition to same sex couples or,
• Closed to new couples, but existing civil partnerships would however be retained.
3. Age of marriage: The United Nations Committee on the Convention of the Rights of the Child has recommended that Jersey amend the minimum age of marriage therefor no longer allowing 16 and 17 year olds to get married.
Views are being sought on if the minimum age of marriage should be raised to 18.
You can view and download the Consultation Document and the questions can be answered via an online questionnaire or by email or post.