04 July 2019

A new Health and Community Services Board with the purpose of providing oversight of the department, shaping culture, overseeing risk and seeking assurance about the services provided by HCS and the experience and safety of patients receiving the department’s services will meet in public for the first time next week.
The first meeting of the Health and Community Services Board Department will be held at St Paul’s Centre, from 3pm to 5pm on Monday 8 July.
The aim of the newly-set up Board, which will meet once a month – excluding August - is to provide assurance and transparency to islanders about the work of Health and Community Services (HCS), and its decision-making processes.
The new Board will be chaired by Minister for Health and Community Services, Deputy Richard Renouf, and membership will include all members of the HCS management executive and invited key partners who work with HCS such as GPs, representatives from the community and voluntary sector and a patient representative.
The assistant ministers for HCS, Senator Steve Pallett, Deputy Jeremy Maçon and Deputy Hugh Raymond will also sit on the Board. They in turn, will each chair a different committee which will report in to the Board.
Meetings of the Board will be held on Monday afternoons and the location of the meeting, the agenda and minutes of the previous meeting will be published in advance. The meeting will be filmed and recorded, and islanders may attend as observers.
There is also a Part B of the Board meeting where matters of commercial and other types of confidentiality are considered. This part of the meeting is not public.
Deputy Renouf said: “I am very pleased to announce this important development in the way my department does business. A report from the Comptroller and Auditor General, published last year, said we could and should be doing more to ensure we have good governance in place, and this move to meet in public is an important and essential step in meeting this goal. In addition, we welcome the partners we work with to the table, so everyone is involved in decision making and can also act as subject-matter experts when needed, with the wealth of experience they have in their respective fields.”
Deputy Renouf added: The Board does not in any way replace the responsibilities and accountabilities of States Assembly members or their work. I am looking forward to chairing this important forum and would like to thank all those who have been involved in the preparation and planning to make it happen.”
Background information
The full membership of the HCS Board (who will have a Board Secretary) consists of:
- the Minister for Health and Community Services
- the Assistant Ministers for Health and Community Services
- the Director General for Health and Community Services
- the Chief Nurse
- the Group Managing Director for Health and Community Services
- the Medical Director for Health and Community Services
- Group Finance Business Partner
- Group Human Resources Lead
- invited partners from the community and voluntary sector, and Primary Care
- a patient representative
The Board’s chair:
- sets out the purpose of the Board before each meeting
- introduces the Chairs of the Committees and the Executive Team and Invited Partners
- sets out what the Board wishes to achieve
- holds the Executive Directors to account for the performance, standard and safety of the services in their portfolios
- holds the Director General to account as the accountable officer for performance, standard and safety across the whole of HCS and also to seek assurance about this performance
The Board’s Agenda:
At each sitting, the Board will table and discuss the following agenda items:
- Welcome and apologies
- Declarations of Interest
- A patient’s story
- A professional’s story
- The Chair’s report
- The Director General’s report
- New risks escalated to the Board
- Committee reports
- management executive
- quality and performance
- finance and modernisation
- people and organisational development
- risk
9. Any other business notified prior to the meeting
10. Board Members Reflection on what the Board has discussed today
11. Date, time and location of the next meeting