14 October 2019

The States of Jersey Prison Service (SoJPS) have invited prisoners and members of Jersey’s Christian community to join faith groups across the British Isles, to take part in Prisons Week this week (13- 19 October).
Prisons Week has been run in the UK for 40 years by Christian groups to raise awareness of the impact of crime on families, staff, victims and prisoners through focused services.
This year the SoJPS have organised themed talks with prisoners, and daily discussions on BBC Radio Jersey exploring ‘What does freedom mean to you?’
SoJPS Chaplain, David Cahill, led a special service on Sunday 13 October at the prison, he said: “We welcomed all prisoners to attend this special service, and join people across the UK who will be using this week to think about those who are affected by crime and those who are often overlooked in our society.”
Prison Governor, Nick Cameron, said: “We are pleased to be part of this national campaign, which will raise awareness of the impact of the Prison Services on our community and the subsequent support that is available. We’re proud to be supporting the hard work of the many volunteers involved with charities in the island who work to support offenders returning to the community, their families, and the victims of crime.”
Parish churches have been contacted by the States of Jersey Prison Service Chaplain to notify them of this week of focus. BBC Radio will continue discussions daily this week.