08 March 2019

​Proposals to make part of Route Orange safer for pedestrians are going on display at drop-in sessions at La Moye School next week.
The display will set out three options, which respondents will be asked to rank and review:
- A pelican crossing by La Moye School with a 20mph limit during school time
- A village treatment of the area by the school and Les Creux Country Park:
• a zebra crossing on a raised table by the school
• a raised courtesy crossing near to Les Creux entrance
• 20mph during school time
• other traffic calming measures - A pedestrian priority comprising:
• a zebra crossing on a raised table by the school
• a raised courtesy crossing closer to the Les Creux entrance
• a virtual footway from the garage to Le Clos Orange with other traffic calming measures
• a full time 20mph zone
The drop-in sessions at La Moye School on Wednesday, 13 March are between 2:30pm and 4pm for students, parents and carers, and between 5pm and 6:30pm for the wider community. Representatives from the Parish of St Brelade and technical officers from Growth, Housing and Environment will be there to answer questions and here public feedback.
Anyone not able to attend will be able to see the options and give their views by accessing the consultation website which will be on gov.je from Wednesday 13 March until Wednesday 27 March.
The options have been developed around the public’s response to an initial consultation, held on 21 November 2018, when concerns including the safety of students walking to La Moye School and access to Les Creux Country Park prompted the review.
The community feedback from the new consultation will be used to develop a recommendation to Minister for Infrastructure, Deputy Kevin Lewis.