19 June 2019

A survey on a proposed new skate park at Les Quennevais will be launched today, (Wednesday 19 June), and a drop-in session is being held next Wednesday with the politician with responsibility for sport.
Skaters, clubs and associations, people living in the area and members of the public are being asked whether they think Les Quennevais is the best location for the park, and if any smaller skate friendly locations on the island could be created.
survey follows a recently-published Government report which assessed 15 locations and concluded that Les Quennevais Sports Centre would be the most appropriate for a skate park.
The Assistant Minister for Economic Development, Tourism, Sport and Culture with delegated responsibility for sport, Senator Steve Pallett, said: “The responses to the survey will be used to gauge the next steps in creating skating facilities - we are much closer to providing a more permanent home for the skate community. The creation of high-quality facilities will help develop and grow the sport and provide a social hub for young people in the island.”
There will be also be a drop in session, with Senator Pallett, at Les Quennevais Sports Centre reception on Wednesday, 26 June from 6pm to 8pm where islanders can see the proposals and discuss them with Senator Pallett and officers.
The presentation can be seen at the sports centre until Wednesday, 3 July, when the survey, which can be found at
gov.je/consultations, closes.