31 December 2019

​A Sustainable Transport Policy (STP), which provides a framework for transforming Jersey’s transport infrastructure – and the way in which Islanders use it – has today (Tuesday, 31 December) been published.
There are two documents within the Sustainable Transport Policy:
- A Framework for a Sustainable Transport System details how transport provision can be developed to better support the wellbeing of all Islanders over the next decade.
- Sustainable Transport Strong Start Delivery Plan 2020 details actions to start to deliver the framework in 2020.
The Minister for Infrastructure, Deputy Kevin Lewis, said: "The STP recognises that any further increase in our current transport system would be unsustainable and not in the best interests of the Island’s future. Our entire transport system must be redesigned following the principles of sustainable wellbeing, and this policy framework starts us on that journey.
"For those journeys that do still require cars, we will continue to support the transition to
electric vehicles with free parking and more electric charging points, and we will agree a target date by which that long-term transition will be apparent. But, for the first time, Government is making it clear that fewer vehicle journeys will be a good thing for Jersey, and we are taking decisive action to encourage people to change the way that they travel."
The Strong Start Delivery Plan 2020 sets out the practical initiatives that will begin over the next 12 months, including:
- developing the bus service, with free travel for carers and bus priority measures to cut through congestion around Liberation Station;
- launching a programme of traffic-free days on key routes in St Helier;
- an initiative to find new ways for children to travel safely to school, including re-prioritising road space in town, rolling out cycling proficiency to every school, and investing an additional ÂŁ470,000 in school travel initiatives;
- working with Digital Jersey on a programme to embrace new transport technology;
- piloting the safe use of personal light electric vehicles and encouraging car and bike sharing schemes as part of a new focus on mobility as a service; and
- accelerating work on an Eastern Cycle Route.
The Sustainable Transport Policy is aligned with, but separate from, the Carbon Neutral Strategy, which has also been lodged today.
Deputy Lewis said: "In July, the States Assembly set the challenging target of producing the STP by the end of 2019. What I have lodged is on time, bold in its ambition, and supports the wider Carbon Neutral Strategy and Common Strategy Policy. It is a start, but an ambitious start, and I will be looking to States Members to support this framework."
A briefing will be held for States Members, the media, and other stakeholders, early in the new year.