31 May 2019

​Deputy Scott Wickenden has been appointed as Assistant Chief Minister with specific responsibility for the modernisation of the Government’s internal digital technology, data security, and cyber security.
The Chief Minister, Senator John Le Fondré, made the appointment to recognise the significance of technology and its importance in developing and improving effective public services within the Government of Jersey.
Senator Le Fondré said: "This appointment recognises the central role that technology plays within Government, and its importance in delivering and improving good quality services to islanders as part of our One Government initiative.
"Having a dedicated Assistant Minister to hold political responsibility for digital modernisation will ensure appropriate oversight as we change and invest, and will help us to deliver upon our commitment to create a modern and innovative public sector that meets islanders’ needs effectively.
"Deputy Wickenden will work closely with the Deputy Chief Minister, Senator Farnham, who has responsibility for the wider digital economy."
Deputy Wickenden, who worked in technology services for 15 years before being elected to the States, added: "I am delighted to have been appointed to this role, where I will be able to use my experiences to be a political champion for modernisation and digital.
"Digital technology is a critical component of our lives, and continuing to develop and improve in this area will allow the Government of Jersey to deliver efficient, secure and accessible services for local residents and businesses."