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More EU nationals register to remain

07 March 2019

EU nationals working in the agricultural and fishing industries have successfully registered their ‘settled status’, ensuring they can remain in the island after Brexit.

The owners of Homefield Farms and Jersey Oyster have praised the Settled Status team at Customs and Immigration for helping their staff apply for the EU Settlement Scheme.

Catherine Conway, director of Homefields Farms, said that the EU nationals among her staff had lived in Jersey for anything from eight months to 30 years, and are originally from Poland, Portugal and Romania. A total of 18 staff members, as well as their spouses and children under 16, have now registered as ‘settled’.

“The Settled Status team were extremely helpful and knowledgeable, guiding our staff through the settled-status process quickly and easily,” said Mrs Conway. “The forms were easy to fill in and just took a few minutes. It’s a great weight off our minds that everyone has this reassurance, and I would urge anyone to spend a few minutes getting this completed.”

Steve Bailey, Group Operations Manager of the Jersey Oyster Company, said that 21 members of staff, including their longest-serving employee who has been at the company for 20 years, had registered for the scheme.

“We decided to work closely with the Settled Status team from the outset, seeking their advice on how best to assist the staff with the process,” said Mr Bailey. “Staff were notified of the day of registration well in advance, they were each issued with instructions in their native language and sent individual letters regarding how the process would work. On the day, all our staff who needed to register under the scheme were seen by the Settled Status team members. To ensure that there was no misunderstanding we brought in translators to help staff understand the process and again to reiterate why it was being carried out.

“I’m delighted to say the process went without any problems: our staff have all successfully gone through the process and are assured that they really are valued members of the Jersey Oyster team and the Jersey community.”

The Settled Status team is holding drop-in sessions at Caritas, Val Plaisant, on Saturday [9 March] from 10am to 2pm and Saturday 16 March, when caseworkers will assist with applications.

More than 1600 applications have been submitted since the scheme opened last month. EU citizens need to apply for ‘settled status’ by Thursday 31 December 2020. More information can be found on the Brexit section of

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