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Government of

Information and public services for the Island of Jersey

L'înformâtion et les sèrvices publyis pouor I'Île dé Jèrri

1,100 online tax submissions in first two weeks

05 February 2020

Almost 1,100 Islanders filed their income tax online in the first two weeks of the new service, and 81% of users who rated the form gave the experience 4 stars and above (out of 5).

Online filing offers a quicker and more convenient method for filing income tax than the paper form and gives additional guidance for completion throughout. By filing online, tax officers can more efficiently process returns by reducing their manual input time.

Treasury Minister Deputy Susie Pinel said: ā€œIā€™m pleased that the new online form has been so popular with Islanders and that users have found it so easy to complete. The launch of the online form was a significant move for the Government in modernising its services and its success will help streamline the tax assessment process by reducing inputting and assessment time needed by our staff to process the return.ā€

Benefits of filing online include:

  • automatic elimination of irrelevant sections
  • guidance throughout
  • option to pause, save and return to later
  • instant confirmation of receipt
  • longer deadline

Islanders can still submit their returns using the paper forms which have been sent out to households. The online deadline is 31 July 2020 offering an extra two months compared with the paper deadline of 31 May 2020.

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