05 November 2020

The States Assembly have agreed a proposition to hold the next Island-wide census on 21 March 2021.
The census not only counts the population, but also collects key data such as age, sex, ethnicity, education, and employment. The last census was held in 2011.
The information collected supports the Government to plan future services and provisions including for housing, education and transport. Everyoneā€™s data is securely held for 100 years and then released as a historical record for future generations to access and research their ancestors.
As well as approving the date of the census, States Members have approved a proposition to add two new mandatory questions on general health and disabilities, in order to collect further useful information about the Islandā€™s population.
The States Assembly has also approved the inclusion of two optional questions on sexual orientation and gender identity.
Each household in the Island will be sent a census form to fill in and responses will be collated, anonymised, and analysed by Statistics Jersey with data security the foremost priority.
Ā£700,000 has been allocated in the Government Plan to run the census; this amount covers the cost of staff, printing, distribution, collection and the analysis of the data, and the recruitment of 35 temporary staff to help collect data and administer the census.