10 August 2020

Extra support will be available to the hundreds of students who will collect their A-levels and other level 3 results this week, receiving calculated grades instead of exam results, as the examinations were cancelled this year due to the Covid-19 pandemic.
Special arrangements were put in place for this year’s results as the health emergency resulted in the initial closure of schools and colleges and the formal cancellation of examinations by the UK Government.
Under the new arrangements, Jersey’s 2020 cohort of A-level students will receive calculated grades on Thursday 13 August. The grades were calculated using a standardised process, set by the UK’s Department for Education for schools and colleges following English examination boards.
Jersey’s Assistant Education Minister Deputy Jeremy Maçon said: ""I would like to pay tribute to all of our exam-year students who have worked so hard in challenging circumstances during COVID-19 and offer my thanks to all the teachers, parents, carers and families for all the support you give to our young people.
"I would also like to thank teachers, schools and colleges, who have worked tirelessly to submit grades for their students to the exam boards. I appreciate that this was a considerable piece of work and that it must have been difficult to do while also coming up with innovative ways to teach during the pandemic.
"The Covid-19 pandemic has changed the way exam results will be processed this year. Although students might be disappointed that they have not had the chance to sit their exams, they can be proud of all of the work they have put in to achieving their goals over the past two years, and what they have achieved during a particularly challenging academic year.
"Extra support is available to exam-year students through their schools and Skills Jersey. There are always options so please seek advice and guidance if you have any concerns. On behalf of the Department I wish each and every one of our students the very best for the future."
Skills Jersey
Due to the unusual circumstances surrounding this year’s results, students are being reminded that they have a number of options if they have not received the grades they expected and anyone who is concerned is urged to seek support from their school, college or the Skills Jersey’s Careers Guidance team.
Skills Jersey Careers Guidance Team’s five tips for students receiving their results are:
Be proud – Students should be proud of their achievements, whether they receive the grades they were hoping for or not. There will be something out there that is right for everyone – so those receiving results should keep calm, look at all their options, and get as much advice as possible
Don’t panic; there are always options – There is still time for those receiving their results to look at options, and to make a decision
Speak up and seek advice – Students will be able to speak to careers teachers and careers advisers on results day, to talk through their results and their next steps
Keep results at hand – Students should keep their results with them on results day, as they will need to have these to hand when speaking to advisers about their options
Know your options and be informed as to what’s out there for you before making any decisions – the Careers Guidance Team are always available to you for support, especially throughout the coming weeks
Carin Sharkey, Careers Guidance Team Leader for Skills Jersey, said: "Careers advisers from Skills Jersey will be available to chat to students and talk through their options. Students can come and see an adviser at Skills Jersey or can also speak to the careers teacher at their school. We’re open all day on weekdays – even during the summer holidays. Anyone looking for free, impartial careers advice can contact us to book an appointment."
The team also gives careers advice to any Islander that needs it, regardless of age, residency status or employment status.
Any Islander looking for careers guidance can book an appointment by contacting the Careers Guidance team on 01534 449 440, or by emailing skillsjersey@gov.je. The base at Bermuda House is open Monday to Friday from 8.30am to 5pm.
Further information:
Results Day information:
Every school or college has graded their students for each subject based on non-examination assessment work, classwork, homework and mock exams.
On receiving results from every school and college, the exam boards then standardised the grades using a statistical model which was developed with the Office of Qualifications and Examinations Regulation (Ofqual). The statistical standardisation takes into account what results the school or college would have likely achieved based on its previous national results in the subject; and the prior attainment of its 2020 cohort of students compared to previous years and the school or college results in recent years.
Grades received this year carry the same value as in other years. Students who are unhappy with their results are urged to first speak to their school or college to understand their options. Students can also choose to sit the exam in the autumn. If a student achieves a different grade from that achieved in the summer, they will be able to use the higher of the two grades for future education and employment purposes.
The majority of students sitting vocational and technical qualifications will also receive a calculated grade. However, in some cases calculated grades are not appropriate, such as when practical skills need to be tested. If the testing body was unable to adapt the assessment to comply with Covid-19 restrictions, students will have to sit the assessment at a later date, to be confirmed by their school or college.