28 July 2020

The Assisted Reproductive Unit (ARU), which paused treatment due to the coronavirus pandemic, is to re-open at a dedicated facility at Overdale Hospital from today.
Mr Neil MacLachlan, Consultant in Obstetrics and Gynaecology, will oversee the move. Two existing HCS Obstetrics & Gynaecology Consultants with infertility treatment experience will be supporting both the transition and future plans for the service.
Mr MacLachlan, who has announced plans to retire, will continue working with private patients and some amenity (public) patients up to the end of Jan 2021. He will work with the Health and Community Services Department until then to transition all patients as necessary.
General Manager of Women, Children and Family Care, Kate Southern said: “The Overdale facility was sourced in response to the Rozel Ward, the ARU’s usual site, being designated a COVID hot area for the pandemic preparedness. Identifying an offsite location offers the service resilience for the future.
“We have developed a number of pathways for existing patients - both public and private - so they can continue to receive the care and resources they need. We are also developing plans to ensure Islanders receive the very best off-island support when they need specialist centres in the UK, including the provision of alternative providers.”