01 July 2020

Government-run gyms at Les Quennevais and Springfield are reopening this week, and an expanded sports programme is available at all Government sports centres now that physical distancing requirements have been reduced to 1 metre.
Islanders can also pre-book low and moderate activity, in line with the guidance on fitness activity contained in Level 2 of the Safe Exit Framework, and charges have been reduced by 75%.
The Assistant Minister for Economic Development, Tourism, Sport and Culture with responsibility for Sport, Senator Steve Pallett, has decided that the monthly charge for Active Card membership will be reduced to a quarter of the usual cost for July, in recognition of the limited services and to encourage islanders to be active.
The Operations Manager for the Sport Division, Barclay Harvey, said: “We can only offer lower intensity activity, which means people should be able to comfortably talk and hold a short conversation while exercising. But now that distancing has been reduced to 1 metre, we can now reopen the gyms at Les Quennevais and Springfield and increase the capacity in some of our classes.
“Things are a little different in our centres, and not all activities are available, but for many people it has been a welcome return to the activities they have missed. In general, customers have been responsible in their approach and have followed the guidance.”
Senator Pallett said: “I must thank our Operations Team and staff for all their hard work in reopening our public sports centres in Level 2 of the Safe Exit Framework. It’s important for the physical and mental well-being of Active Card members, and other Islanders, that they can visit our centres at the earliest opportunity. But this must happen in a safe way and within current guidelines.
"To help reduce the cost of underlying health conditions and to improve our population’s quality of life, it’s important to encourage islanders to exercise and I hope the reduced charges will be well-received.”
The following activities are available:
- Fort Regent Gym (lower intensity)
- Lower intensity group fitness classes
- Badminton
- Short tennis
- Tennis
- Swimming
- Les Quennevais and Springfield Gyms will be reopening their gyms for members from 2 July
Changing rooms, showers, sauna and steam, squash courts, spinning, indoor team sports, the creche and Fort Regent Playzone will remain closed for now.
Barclay Harvey added: “As the Island moves through the Safe Exit Framework we will add to these programmes, subject to guidance from Public Health. It is important that we get things right at every stage, as we all have a responsibility to limit the risk of spreading the virus. The centres have enhanced their hygiene regimes and adapted access arrangements to manage the risk.
“Everyone using our facilities must follow Public Health guidelines to safeguard themselves, other users and our staff from the spread of infection.”
Further informaton
- All sessions (gym, fitness classes and swim) must be pre-booked using the Active App if you are a member, or booked and paid for in advance over the telephone if you do not hold a membership.
- No bookings are being taken at the door so please make your booking before you set off for the centre.
- We will take card payments only, no cash.
- Bring proof of your booking to gain entry - and please arrive on time to make the most of your sessions
- Gym equipment will be spaced out, some equipment may be out of service, and different areas of the centre may be used to ensure everyone has more space (eg: a group fitness class may be offered in a Sports Hall).
- Some of our classes may be held outside.
- All sessions will be time limited. Slots will include time for safe arrival, movement through the centre, and leaving the premises.
- You will not be permitted to move from one activity to another activity and may be asked to leave the premises between sessions on the same day.
- No changing rooms, showers or lockers will be available during Level 2. Sauna and steam facilities also remain closed.
- Water Fountains will not be available, please don’t forget to bring your water bottle.
- Standard car parking terms and conditions will re-start in line with island-wide parking restrictions. Do not forget to display a yellow disc.
Cleanliness and hygiene
- Cleaning regimes have been enhanced
- Cleaning equipment will be available throughout the gym, to use before and after each exercise. This includes wiping down exercise mats.
- Hand gel will be available to use before touching any equipment