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Government of

Information and public services for the Island of Jersey

L'înformâtion et les sèrvices publyis pouor I'Île dé Jèrri

Advice regarding Storm Ciara

09 February 2020

The following advice has been issued regarding Storm Ciara (at 21:00 on Sunday, 9 February 2020): 

Weather situation:

  • With wind speeds predicted to peak at Gale Force 10 and high tide to peak at up to 11.8 metres, the public are warned to expect heavy flooding, particularly in the low-lying east, south and westerly coastal areas.
  • The particular times of note are around the high tides at 18:52 tonight and 07:09 on Monday morning.
  • The public are asked to keep away from coastal areas to avoid risk of harm and not to put themselves in any unnecessary danger, especially in coastal areas, as there will be a risk of flying debris, including stones, due to the predicted high winds.
  • With regard to personal property, please ensure it is either brought inside or tied down and secured.
  • The current forecast is that the winds will peak at midnight tonight and will have reduced somewhat by the morning, but the swell is increasing and coupled with a large high tide, there is expected to be a large amount of debris and crashing waves over the sea walls on easterly, southern and westerly coastal roads.

Travel advice:

  • The public are warned to expect travel delays and cancellations to both road, air and sea travel.
  • Victoria Avenue was closed earlier this evening, but has since reopened.
  • Tomorrow morning, Victoria Avenue is expected to be closed from 5:30am to 9:30am.
  • There is potential for the remainder of the coast road up to St Breladeā€™s Parish Hall to be closed. Please avoid these areas and, if travelling, take an alternative route and expect delays.
  • A decision will be made on Monday morning whether further coastal roads will be closed.
  • Liberty Bus will be running as normal, although some services maybe delayed or disrupted due to the temporary road closures.   


  • Schools in Jersey are reassuring parents and carers this evening and monitoring closely the impact Storm Ciara might have on transport, including on school buses tomorrow (Monday, 10 February).
  • At this time, all schools and colleges will be open tomorrow.
  • The Children, Young People, Education and Skills Department will issue advice if, and when they think there should be generalised school closures.
  • School buses will be running, but there may be some disruption and delays some services.
  • Given delays to some bus services and due the foreseen road closures, this may result in significant lateness, which schools will make allowances for and are reassuring parents and carers not to worry, as they are fully aware of the disruption that the severe weather is likely to cause across the Island.


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