28 August 2020

Context: COVID-19
This report presents the change in the average earnings paid to full-time equivalent (FTE) employees between the two points in time June 2019 and June 2020, and is based on an annual survey of businesses run by Statistics Jersey. Part-way through the second reference period, on 12 June 2020, Jersey moved to Level 2 of the Government's Safe Exit Framework, whereby most businesses were permitted to open and trading restrictions were eased.
Pay estimates are based on employees who received wages and salaries in June 2020 (or the last week of June 2020 for weekly-paid employees) and include those who did not work but were still paid and those whose wages were partially refunded to businesses through the Government Co-Funded Payroll Scheme.
In June 2020:
Change in average earnings
- average weekly earnings per full-time equivalent employee (FTE) were 1.1% higher than in June 2020
- the latest annual increase was 1.5 percentage points lower than that of the previous twelve-month period (2.6% to June 2019) and was the lowest annual change recorded for 10 years, since June 2010
- over the twelve months to June 2020:
- average earnings in the private sector increased by 0.7%
- average earnings in the public sector increased by 3.3%
- within the private sector:
- decreases in average earnings were recorded by the agriculture sector and the hotels, restaurants and bars sector, down by 11.9% and 10.2% on an annual basis, respectively
- the other business activities sector (comprising predominantly private sector service industries) saw the highest rate of annual increase, up 3.2%
- for the other private sector industries, annual changes in earnings ranged from being unchanged to increases of around 2%
Real-term change in earnings (adjusting for inflation)
- the headline rate of inflation in Jersey in June 2020 was 0.5%
- in real terms, all-sector average earnings in June 2020 were 0.5% greater than in June 2019
- average earnings in the private sector were 0.2% higher in real terms than in June 2019
- average earnings in the public sector were 2.8% higher in real terms than in June 2019
- median average weekly earnings of full-time equivalent (FTE) employees was £610 per week
- mean average weekly earnings of full-time equivalent employees was £780 per week
Index of Average Earnings report for June 2020