03 July 2020

Almost every primary school child in Jersey has now returned to school, with one year group recording a 99% attendance rate.
The latest figures reveal that more than 10,000 school children, in Government-provided schools, have now returned to their classrooms.
Primary schools, in Jersey, have recorded that 96 – 99% of children have now returned to school, with Year 6 recording the highest figures.
Secondary schools who have welcomed back year groups, in rotational timetables, for face-to-face learning, also had a high attendance rate of between 84 – 96%.
All primary and secondary school students began their phased return to school from Monday, 22 June, with the expected target date of a full return by 30 June.
The specific order and frequency of return for each year group, is decided by each individual school headteacher, based on local priorities, physical set up needs and staff availability.
Education Minister, Senator Tracey Vallois, said: "These figures are extremely positive and demonstrates the high confidence that children, young people and their parents/carers have in returning to school. I would like to express my sincere gratitude to all of our education staff, students, parents and carers who have made the return to school so successful. I am delighted that almost all of our school children will have the opportunity to see their friends and teachers before the summer term break.
"On Jersey’s first Children’s Day today, (3 July) I would like to take this opportunity again to thank all of our children and young people for all their incredible efforts and hard work during the school closures and parents and carers for supporting their child’s learning from home. I am incredibly grateful to all of you.
"And again, express my appreciation for all of the hard work from our teachers and support staff during the coronavirus outbreak.
"I recognise that many teachers have been supporting children of critical workers, vulnerable children, while in school, as well as providing online material for students at home. There have been others working from home while competing with the challenges of looking after their own families at the same time.
"I am enormously grateful to everyone in our schools, nurseries, colleges and officers in the Department of Children, Young People, Education and Skills for helping to create a safe environment for our children to return to school and receive the education they thoroughly deserve"
Group Director of Education, Seán O’ Regan, said: "Attendance in all our primary schools has been remarkably high with almost all children now back in school. With such a rapid re-opening, it is important to acknowledge everyone’s hard work in getting all year groups back to school. It has been a pleasure to see, in person, the joy on faces of children and parents as they have returned to such a warm welcome from school staff."