20 October 2020

​Breast Cancer Screening services have resumed at the General Hospital after appointments were disrupted in March due to COVID-19.
The Primary, Prevention and Intermediate Care Group have worked to reduce the waiting list for appointments by prioritising high-risk and new to screening women, which are now up-to-date.
Patients are now being contacted by post who are due their 2-year checkup scan. Those who were due to be seen in the spring and summer will be seen as soon as possible.
General Manager of the Primary, Prevention and Intermediate Care Group, Claire Thompson said: “We have been prioritising patients based on those high-risk individuals who have a family history of breast cancer. We are really pleased that the team has managed to catch up on the backlog of patients after the service was reduced due to COVID restrictions earlier in the year.”
October has been Breast Cancer Awareness Month and Health and Community Services want to encourage women to seek advice from their GP should they be concerned of any symptoms.
Claire Thompson continued: “If Islanders’ two-year routine screening is now overdue, they will be on the waiting list and will be notified in writing when an appointment is available. We encourage women to check themselves for symptoms including lumps, changes in shape or skin texture or pain and to seek advice from their GP as soon as possible if they have any concerns.”
Women can register for a breast screening online where there is also a short video and information describing the process.