27 November 2020

The Department for Children Young People, Education and Skills have been advised of the following:
Springfield School
A student who attends Springfield School has tested positive for COVID-19 today, 27 November. The student is at home, along with their rest of their household, following public health guidance.
Parents of children in same year bubble have been informed. As a precautionary measure, parents been asked to collect their children from school early. They have been asked to keep their children home from school and isolate to allow the Contact Tracing process to be completed.
To protect the identity and privacy of the student and their family, we will not be commenting further. Springfield School will remain open to students, following advice from Environmental Health.
De Le Salle College
A staff member at De La Salle School has tested positive for COVID-19 on 26 November. The staff member is currently isolating at home, along with the rest of their household, following public health guidance.
De La Salle has informed parents of the students of the year group where the member of staff works. The Contact Tracing team will be offering COVID-19 tests to students in the affected year group, on-site at the College.
To protect the identity and privacy of the staff member and their family, we will not be commenting further. De Le Salle College will remain open to students, following advice from Environmental Health.
La Sente School
A staff member at La Sente has tested positive for COVID-19 this morning (Friday 27 November). The staff member has not been in school since 18 November. They are currently self-isolating at home, along with the rest of their household, following public health guidance.
La Sente has informed parents of students who have been in contact with the member of staff, and these students will be sent home this afternoon as a precaution.
Affected members of staff will also be sent home this afternoon. Both affected students, and members of staff will be able to access COVID-19 testing, and will be able to return to school once they receive a negative test result.
La Sente will remain open as usual, in line with public health guidance.
To protect the identity and privacy of the staff member and their family, we will not be commenting further.