23 November 2020

The Department for Children, Young People, Education and Skills has been advised of the following:
Hautlieu School
“A student who attends Hautlieu School tested positive for Covid-19 on Saturday 21 November. All parents were informed by the school, by letter, on Saturday and all direct contacts were contacted by the Contact Tracing team by Sunday, 22 November.
We have been further advised today, Monday 23, November, that a member of staff at Hautlieu School has tested positive for Covid-19.
Due to this, all direct contacts have been asked to go home today until the Contact Tracing process has been completed.
Beaulieu School
Today, 23 November, we have also been advised that a student at Beaulieu School has tested positive for Covid-19.
The student hasn’t been in school since Wednesday, 18 November and is isolating at home.
Parents have been informed and students who were in direct contact with the student will be sent home today until the Contact Tracing process has been completed.
Victoria College
We have been advised today, Monday 23 November, that another student in Sixth Form in Victoria College has tested positive for Covid-19 while isolating at home since Wednesday, 18 November.
Sixth Form students, at Victoria College, who have been in isolation are due to return to school on Wednesday 25 November, providing their test result is negative.
The school and colleges will remain open following advice from Environmental and Public Health.
To protect the identity of the students and respect the family’s privacy, we will not be commenting further.”