27 November 2020

In the coming weeks, all students in Years 11 and above in secondary schools and colleges, and all young people aged 16 -18 not in education, will be offered COVID-19 screening at their school or college premises, or at the screening facility in the Harbour.
This follows the latest medical advice from the Scientific Technical and Advisory Cell (STAC) that students in these year groups should be given the opportunity to participate in COVID-19 screening, as a precautionary measure.
Further details on the plans and screening dates will be communicated to parents and young people, by their school or college, in the next week.
Information will also be available on social media, on the Government of Jersey website and via the Coronavirus Helpline (01534 445566) for Islanders in this age group who are not in full time education.
Last week, the testing teams undertook screening for more than 100 teachers on two school premises. All of these tests were confirmed as negative.
Education Minister Senator Tracey Vallois said: “I am pleased to see the positive uptake in teachers participating in COVID-19 screening in schools. I would like to reassure parents and staff that the Department for Children, Young People, Education and Skills is working closely with the contact tracing and infection control teams in order to support and protect our children, our staff and our community.
“Regular testing is being offered to all of our teachers, and I grateful to the testing teams for offering our teachers and students the opportunity to be tested on the school site.
“I am pleased to see the positive response we received from our older school students in Years 11, 12 and 13 and above who are wearing masks in the areas of their schools where mixing and social distancing is more difficult to manage.
“The latest medical evidence says that the risk of infection and transmission is greater for older teenagers, than younger children, as recent cases have shown. This latest policy of introducing screening in secondary schools, with mask-wearing in communal areas and on the school bus, as well as face visors for teaching staff, is to be welcomed to guarantee the highest form of safety for our school community.”