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Government of

Information and public services for the Island of Jersey

L'înformâtion et les sèrvices publyis pouor I'Île dé Jèrri

CRESS scheme closes

28 August 2020

The COVID-19 Related Emergency Support Scheme (CRESS) will close on 31 August. The scheme was introduced by the Social Security Minister in April to support people who have been working in Jersey for less than 5 years, and who lost their job due to the outbreak of COVID-19

Since launching in April, CRESS has provided over ÂŁ540,500 of support with basic living costs. 

At its peak, the scheme supported 450 people in 316 households per week who were not eligible for Income Support and who - because of the restrictions on travel - were not able to return to their home countries. 

The Social Security Minister, supported by the Council of Ministers, decided to extend the scheme beyond its original ending date of 30 June to continue to support people as the Island’s economy and borders began to re-open. 

Since then, the number of people supported through CRESS has decreased, and new applications to the scheme closed on 31 July.

Minister for Social Security, Deputy Judy Martin, said: “While this type of Government support is usually only available to people who have been in the Island for 5 years or more, CRESS allowed us to provide financial support to people who had lost their jobs in the wake of the pandemic, and who suddenly found themselves without a wage.”

“The scheme is part of the range of timely, temporary and targeted measures we introduced to support people and businesses through the challenges of lockdown, and restricted travel.”

“Now that the Island has entered Level 1 of the Safe Exit Framework, and travel restrictions have been eased, those who were being supported CRESS can now return to work, seek new employment, or return to their home country.” 

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