30 January 2020

Islanders will have two extra weeks to register areas of land to be considered for protection or development in the next Island Plan, with a new closing date of Friday, 28 February.
The Minister for the Environment, Deputy John Young, has agreed for an extension to the call for sites submissions.
Since 2 December 2019, Islanders have been able to submit areas of land that they think are suitable for future development or environmental protection. The areas of land submitted will be assessed for sustainability, suitability and deliverability for different purposes.
Deputy Young said: “I’m extending the deadline for the call for sites review as it is an important element of the Island Plan. Islanders have a great knowledge of their land and we must allow for all valuable submissions to be placed. The public’s knowledge will help us shape the Island Plan which is fundamental both for future developments and the protection of our natural environment.”
A draft Island Plan will be published for further public consultation this summer, with a final draft going to the States Assembly for debate in 2021.
For more information and to register a site.