15 March 2020

A dedicated and referral-only testing facility for Coronavirus is now open for patients who having contacted the Helpline have been assessed as being at high risk of carrying the virus. Testing commenced on Thursday 12 March 2020.
The testing centre (open from 8.30 am to 2.30 pm is only for patients who have been referred via the coronavirus helpline ( +44 (0) 1534 445566 ). It is based at Five Oaks, is not open for the general public and patients cannot self-refer to the testing station. Islanders are asked not to visit the centre unless they have been referred by the helpline, and not to call the helpline unless they are suffering from flu-like symptoms.
This is a combination of a fever, a cough, muscle aches and headaches. Islanders with a fever and these other symptoms should self-isolate until they are symptom free (for a minimum of seven days). This applies whether they have travelled outside Jersey or not and is irrespective of contact with a Covid-19 case.
The helpline team will review a patient’s symptoms, possible contacts and/or origins of travel to determine if swabbing is required. The helpline is taking a considerable amount of calls and Islanders are asked only to call it if they are suffering from flu-like symptoms. The most up to date information, with news, advice, and fact sheets can be found on
Operations manager for Health and Community Services, Gary Kynman said: “There is no risk for the public but as it is designated a clinical area, only referred patients will be permitted to access it and all other Islanders should stay away so the professional can concentrate on their work and the privacy of patients can be maintained.”
Islanders who think they may have symptoms of Coronavirus must continue to use the helpline on +44 (0) 1534 445566 which is open daily from 8 am to 8 pm. Over 65s who are adhering to social-distancing do not need to call the helpline unless they have symptoms. Only if they develop symptoms should they self-isolate and call the helpline.