03 March 2020

​Health officials in Jersey have updated their advice for travellers arriving in Jersey, after considering the evolving situation with Coronavirus (Covid-19). Anyone arriving from France or Germany who develops symptoms that could be Coronavirus should self-isolate and contact the helpline on 01534 445566 for advice.
Advance monitoring of flights arriving from Tenerife began at the airport at the weekend. All those passengers were told how to report any symptoms they develop during the flight, at the time of arrival, or after leaving the airport. This monitoring is now being extended to the ports, yacht clubs and aero club, to reach people who may have travelled to Jersey from France.
Most people who develop symptoms will get them after leaving the airport or harbour, so the priority is providing travellers with the latest information to make sure they know what to do if they experience symptoms. Jersey’s health officials have an established plan to respond if anyone falls ill with the virus.
There are currently no cases of Coronavirus in Jersey. A total of 42 tests have been carried out on people who were experiencing symptoms that were similar to the virus, but all have turned out to be negative.
Consultant Microbiologist and Jersey’s Deputy Medical Officer of Health, Dr Ivan Muscat, said: “We consider new information at our daily meetings and amend our advice accordingly. Considering the ease of travel between France and Jersey, we have decided to ask anyone who has arrived in the Island from France to self-isolate if they develop symptoms on their return.
“There is still no need at this stage to avoid or cancel large gatherings, and good hand hygiene is the best way to protect yourself and others from contracting this, and other, viruses.”
States Members are being briefed today on preparations for managing any potential outbreak in Jersey. Local businesses have been advised to ensure their contingency planning is up to date, and industry bodies have been invited to a briefing later this week. Officials have spoken to the Jersey Fishermen’s Association to update them on this advice, and schools wlil be contacted with advice about any planned school trips, if that becomes necessary.
Returning travellers
Stay indoors and avoid contact with other people immediately if you’ve travelled to Jersey from:
- mainland China in the last 14 days, even if you do not have symptoms
- Iran, South Korea, or lockdown areas in northern Italy since 19 February, even if you do not have symptoms
- France, Germany, Hong Kong, Japan, Macau, Malaysia, Singapore, Taiwan or Thailand in the last 14 days and have a cough, high temperature or shortness of breath (even if your symptoms are mild)
- other parts of northern Italy (anywhere north of Pisa, Florence and Rimini), Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar or Vietnam since 19 February and have a cough, high temperature or shortness of breath (even if your symptoms are mild)
Lockdown areas in northern Italy are:
- in Lombardy: Codogno, Castiglione d’Adda, Casalpusterlengo, Fombio, Maleo, Somaglia, Bertonico, Terranova dei Passerini, Castelgerundo and San Fiorano
- in Veneto: Vo’ Euganeo
If you have just returned from the H10 Costa Adeje Palace Hotel in Tenerife, and were in this hotel between 17 and 23 February (inclusive), you must self-isolate for 14 days from the date you left Tenerife, whether or not you have symptoms of Coronavirus.
If you arrived at the hotel from 24 February onwards, or have visited other areas of Tenerife, you don't need to take any action unless you develop symptoms of the virus.
Call the helpline on 01534 445566 if you need any further advice. Do not go to a GP surgery, pharmacy or hospital.
If someone becomes very unwell they are asked to call 999 and to explain their travel history. Islanders are urged not to attend the Emergency Department or their GP surgery without contacting them first.
The best way to minimise the risk of spreading disease is to maintain good hygiene, as you would to avoid the spread of any virus:
- Wash your hands often with soap and running water for at least 20 seconds. If soap and water are not available use an alcohol-based hand sanitiser that contains at least 60% alcohol. This is particularly important after taking public transport.
- Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands.
- Avoid close contact with people who are sick.
- If you feel unwell, stay at home, do not attend work or school.
- Cover your cough or sneeze with a tissue, then throw the tissue in a bin and wash hands with soap and water.
- Clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces in the home and work environment.
- Use of facemasks is generally not recommended outside clinical settings.