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Information and public services for the Island of Jersey

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Jersey COVID Alert App interoperable with the whole of the UK

06 November 2020


The Jersey COVID Alert app is now compatible with NHS COVID-19 in England and Wales and Beat Covid Gibraltar, joining Protect Scotland and StopCOVID NI. 

Islanders will now be able to continue using the Jersey COVID Alert app when travelling all over the UK and Gibraltar.

Anyone who has downloaded the app will not need to do anything for it to work other than keep it active when travelling abroad. Their phone will be able to interact with the relevant apps on other devices in those places by using low-frequency Bluetooth.

Julian Blazeby, Director General for Justice and Home Affairs Health said:
“Securing the compatibility between these apps will mean Islanders travelling all around the UK and to Gibraltar will be alerted via the COVID Alert app if they have been in close contact with someone who has the virus.

“The interoperability of the app allows any Islander who is identified as a direct contact to self-isolate quickly, reducing the risk of infecting others. While travel is currently restricted in England, the update to these apps will provide protection for those who need to travel for essential reasons such as work.

“It is an important step in protecting those that travel and preventing the spread of COVID-19.”

More than 35,000 Islanders have already downloaded the Jersey COVID Alert app which launched on 14 October.

CEO of Digital Jersey, Tony Moretta said:  “With so much of our travel to and from the UK it has always been a priority to make sure our own Covid Alert app would be interoperable with the NHS app and so it’s great news that we can finally announce that users of both, will be able to use their existing app regardless of which countries they are spending time in.”

The Jersey COVID App works in conjunction with other contact tracing measures.
Islanders who are alerted will need to follow guidance of the jurisdiction they are in at the time.

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