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Government of

Information and public services for the Island of Jersey

L'înformâtion et les sèrvices publyis pouor I'Île dé Jèrri

Government to publish COVID-19 strategy

20 May 2020

Coronavirus: update

The Government of Jersey has committed to publishing an update to its COVID-19 strategy and action plan, following a vote in the States Assembly today. The update will be published before 3 June.

The Assembly voted by 43 to 6 to approve a Government amendment to a proposition originally brought by Deputy Jess Perchard.

The Government lodged an amendment to the Deputyā€™s proposition out of concern that, in its original format, it would require Jersey to enter a stricter form of lockdown which would have curtailed the civil liberties of Islanders. This would have been against the medical advice that the Government has been receiving and which is supportive of the gradual easing that it is pursuing.

The Government also supported an amendment by Deputy Kirsten Morel, to facilitate the testing of inbound travellers arriving in Jersey.

While the original proposition called for the Government of Jersey to adopt an elimination strategy, the Government amendment reaffirms the commitment to:

  • Conduct widespread testing, contact tracing, and case isolation
  • Promote good respiratory and hand hygiene
  • Maintain border control, and ensuring arrivals in Jersey are tested and/or quarantined, in line with the latest medical advice
  • Require intensive physical distancing
  • Deliver a co-ordinated communications campaign

Chief Minister, Senator John Le FondrĆ©, said: "Iā€™d like to thank all my colleagues in the Assembly for the careful consideration they have given to this proposition, and for their engagement with the complex issues at hand in combatting the effect of COVID-19 on Jersey. Iā€™d particularly like to thank Deputy Perchard for her time and effort in preparing this proposition and prompting an important public debate."

The proposition is available in full here.

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