28 May 2020
Dental practices will start to reopen from Monday, 1 June for Islanders needing urgent or essential dental treatment.
Dental practices were closed as part of Jersey’s lockdown measures to control the outbreak of Covid-19. The Government has since been working with the Jersey Dental Association (JDA) to develop guidance which will support a safe return to practice.
The Minister for Health and Social Services, Deputy Richard Renouf said: “I am pleased that we can resume the urgent and necessary treatments Islanders may need following a period of dentists being closed. I know that for those Islanders suffering discomfort, the closure of dentists has been difficult but it has been a complex issue to resolve.”
Patients will be prioritised based on their need and as capacity increases, dentists will be able to offer other dental services.
Patients must call their dentist to be triaged and screened before they can be given an appointment. Patients will be asked questions about their recent health and travel history as part of new procedures. Islanders are being asked to not visit surgeries without an appointment being confirmed.