19 June 2020

The Government of Jersey has announced the appointment of a new Director of Local Services, Paul McGinnety.
Paul - who started in the role on 15 June - will be based in Customer and Local Services, reporting directly to the department’s Director General. He will be responsible for a variety of local services, ranging from Jersey Library Service and the Superintendent Registrar and leading on joint working with both the Voluntary and Community sector and with the Parishes.
He will work to transform how services can be delivered with Government of Jersey partners, while always focusing on the needs of customers.
Paul was Head of Commissioning and Partnerships in the Department for Health and Community Services. He worked with the voluntary sector to develop new services, and brought together charities and private firms.
Previously, Paul worked as Deputy Director for Primary Care, and spent five years working as Assistant Chief Secretary for St Helena Government in St Helena Island.
Ian Burns, Director General of Customer and Local Services, said: “We’re delighted to welcome Paul to the Customer and Local Services team. He brings with him a wealth of skills and local contacts, as well as Government of Jersey experience, from his time at Health and Community Services.
“Paul really can see the opportunity of initiatives like Closer to Home and is passionate about getting the best for Islanders, so I’m really looking forward to working with him.”
Paul McGinnety said: “I am really looking forward to working with the Customer and Local Service team, as well as with the Island’s excellent Voluntary and Community Sector, which is integral to Island life.
“We have seen, during the current COVID-19 situation, strong relationships between the sector, volunteers, parishes and the Government of Jersey to support Islanders, and I look forward to building on that platform.”