08 April 2020

​The Education Minister Senator Tracey Vallois has made the following statement about a private nursery, which announced it is has ceased trading.
“I would like to express my sadness at the news of the closure of Rainbow Tots Nursery (Beaumont and Les Quennevais) which announced that it has ceased trading with immediate effect citing COVID 19 restrictions as the reason. I truly regret that the owner has had to take this very difficult decision.
“For those who have contacted me and the Department about this matter, thank you for your enquiries and I would like to give the assurance we are working with families and other providers to ensure that families left without childcare will have options available to them.
“Following the news, I felt it important to offer some answers to the questions this has raised.
“The Government recognises that the childcare industry makes an essential contribution to the community and economy in Jersey. It provides a much needed service for families and children and we are committed to doing all that we can to ensure that it remains able to sustain the services it provides once COVID 19 restrictions have been lifted.
“We have been in regular communication with this sector, through its membership organisation, the Jersey Early Years Association (JEYA), offering support and guidance about the options available for financial support and the business continuity measures that private nurseries are eligible for.
“Through the Childcare and Early Years’ Service and other Departmental staff, we are working closely with families affected and with other nursery providers to ensure that alternative childcare and nursery education options are available.
“I have also established a new project board to review all the funding and fee issues pertaining to nurseries, schools and colleges and will report back on this funding project later this month.
“It was a hugely difficult decision to close schools and advise nurseries to do likewise due to the coronavirus crisis and I am extremely grateful to all those who work in the early years, schools, youth and wider education sectors for their tremendous efforts at this very difficult time. The issues that we are facing have never before been encountered, and all areas of society are being presented with unprecedented challenges. As ever, the health and well-being of the young people in our care and all our staff is our top priority."
For anyone who is concerned they can contact the Childcare and Early Years team on 01534 449387 or email CEYS@gov.je
For details on the payroll scheme