04 November 2020

We have been advised this evening that there has been a small number of confirmed cases of COVID-19 within some schools with sixth forms, in Years 12 and 13.
We can confirm that these small number of confirmed cases are at Jersey College for Girls and Victoria College Jersey.
The students are currently isolating at home, along with the rest of their household following the public health guidance.
Due to this increase in confirmed Covid-19 cases within the sixth form student community, at four schools which share some subjects, the Deputy Medical Officer of Health and the Public Health team have now strongly advised for all of these sixth form students and their staff to be tested as a precautionary safety measure.
The schools which share some subjects are Jersey College for Girls, Victoria College Jersey, Beaulieu Convent School and De La Salle College.
We have been advised that the sixth form students and their teachers and staff in these schools, who are not direct contacts, should be given the opportunity to be tested within the next five days, as a precautionary measure.
Students who are not direct contacts are not deemed to be at high risk of infection, and therefore do not need to self-isolate. If a child is a direct contact they will be called by the contact tracing team and will be provided with specific advice about testing and isolation.
The contact tracing team has advised that, as the students have not been in school since half-term, the year group who are not direct contacts can continue to attend school, although this may, of course, change depending on further information from contact tracing.
We have been advised that this is just a precautionary measure and there is a low risk, at the moment, but the sixth form students and their teachers and staff in these four schools, are being strongly encouraged to be tested.
Please respect the privacy of the individuals and understand that we are unable to share their identities.”