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Government of

Information and public services for the Island of Jersey

L'înformâtion et les sèrvices publyis pouor I'Île dé Jèrri

GCSEs and A Levels: Minister seeking information

19 March 2020

Coronavirus: School closures

Following the announcement from the British Prime Minister that the May and June GCSE and A Level exams are being cancelled, the Minister for Education has written to her UK counterpart to seek further information about the impact of this announcement. These exams are set, distributed, administered and marked by education officials in the UK and Jersey cannot run them independently.

Senator Tracey Vallois has already announced the closure of schools for most Jersey students to support the health-advised plans to tackle the spread of Coronavirus. Officers and secondary head teachers have been making special arrangements for students to give them the best chance of success in their summer examinations.

Senator Vallois said: "The UKā€™s decision will obviously have a major impact on Jerseyā€™s students, and on the planning we had devised to support exam candidates through the coming months.

"I have written to my UK counterpart to seek urgent clarification on the details of the arrangements that will replace the examinations, especially for the futures of our 16 and 18 year olds and their next steps. I have specifically requested urgent clarification on the plans for the examination year groups and the arrangements for our school leavers who are expecting to head to University this autumn.

"I would like to reassure hard-working students, parents, carers, and teachers that the Government of Jersey will work with the exam boards, colleges and universities to make the best possible preparations for studentsā€™ future education throughout these unprecedented times."

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