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Government of

Information and public services for the Island of Jersey

L'înformâtion et les sèrvices publyis pouor I'Île dé Jèrri

Government Plan 6 month report released

28 August 2020

The Government of Jersey has released the first ever 6-month progress report on the Government Plan 2020-2023. 

The Plan brings together income and expenditure decisions to ensure that spending is linked directly to the priorities set out in the Common Strategic Policy: putting children first, improving Islanders’ physical and mental health, creating a sustainable economy and skilled workforce, reducing income inequality, and protecting the environment.  

The progress report provides an update on the work undertaken in the first 6 months of 2020 including:

  • Establishing an on-Island test and trace facility, which has conducted over 74,000 tests to date
  • Delivering the Co-Funded payroll scheme, which has protected over 16,000 jobs
  • Constructing the Nightingale Wing of the General Hospital
  • Launching Love Never Leaves, which will provide ÂŁ1 million of support to children and young people in care, and those leaving care
  • Continuing preparations for Brexit, and the potential impact on the Island’s economy
  • Approving and starting to implement both the Carbon Neutral Strategy and the Sustainable Transport Policy.

Chief Minister, Senator John Le Fondré, said: “When the Government Plan was approved in 2019, none of us could have anticipated the effect COVID-19 would have on Jersey and the world. Nor could we have anticipated the human and financial resources needed to protect Islanders’ health and livelihoods.

“We cannot underestimate the effect COVID-19 will have on the Island’s life and finances in the years to come. But, this report demonstrates the Government’s ability to think and act differently, and how much we can achieve through working together.” 

“Alongside our response to COVID-19, we have also made strong headway in the day-to-day work of Government. Many of the initiatives set out in the Government Plan remain on track for completion, which is a testament to the hard work and dedication of our public service staff.

“As we continue work on the Government Plan 2021-2024, we can reflect on the achievements of this year to ensure our next plan delivers the best possible outcomes for Islanders, both now and in the future.”

A full copy of the report is available on the Government of Jersey website. 

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