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Government of

Information and public services for the Island of Jersey

L'înformâtion et les sèrvices publyis pouor I'Île dé Jèrri

Government Plan 2021-24 events announced

06 November 2020

Ministers will be answering public questions about the Government Plan during a week of live events. While the usual open public meetings cannot take place due to COVID-19 restrictions on the size of gatherings, events will be held with a small audience and broadcast online.

The five sessions will take place every evening between Monday 23 November and Friday 27 November between 7pm and 8.30pm, and will be broadcast on the Government of Jersey’s YouTube, Twitter and Facebook channels.

The sessions were originally scheduled to run during the week of 9 November and have been rescheduled to allow for an additional sitting of the States Assembly on Tuesday 10 November. The re-scheduled dates will ensure that Ministers are available to engage with the public. 

Each session will focus on a different theme, and different Ministers will be available to answer questions.

​Mon 23 November
Introducing the Government Plan​
Chief Minister
Minister for the Environment
Minister for Infrastructure
Minister for International Development​
Tue 24 November​Investing in our future​
Chief Minister
Minister for Children
Minister for Education
Minister for Health and Social Services​
Weds 25 November​Generating economic recovery​
Chief Minister
Deputy Chief Minister
Minister for External Relations
Minister for Social Security​
Thur 26 November​Rebalancing our finances​
Chief Minister
Minister for Treasury and Resources
Minister for External Relations
Fri 27 November​Responding to COVID-19​
Chief Minister
Minister for Health and Social Services
Minister for Home Affairs​

Islanders can get involved in several ways:
  • Apply to be in the audience by sending an email to with their name, age, and parish or by calling (01534) 440800
  • Submit questions in advance by sending an email, or a video of themselves asking a question to or by calling (01534) 440800
  • Ask questions during the event, by visiting and using the event code #GovPlan2021 to ask a question

During the sessions, a host will be taking questions from the audience in-person, and sharing questions asked in advance and via Slido.

Chief Minister, Senator John Le FondrĂ©, said: “The outbreak of COVID-19 means that we’ve naturally had to re-consider how we can give Islanders the opportunity to engage with the Government Plan, while using the technical tools we have to allow people to stay safe. 

“Although these events may look different than last year’s events, they will still be an excellent opportunity to find out more about the Government Plan 2021. I’d urge Islanders to get involved, whether by applying to be in the audience, submitting questions, or by tuning in online.”

The sessions will be available on the Government of Jersey YouTube channel, and on the Government of Jersey Facebook page.

The full Government Plan is available on the Government of Jersey website
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